November 30, 2023
Check in/out, reporting, and other improvements – November 2023 myTurn updates
November 30, 2023New Features in these releases: Case insensitive search for Item ID Organization option to completely prevent admins from checking...
June 28, 2023
User experience and other improvements – myTurn Updates June 2023
June 28, 2023This month’s updates bring a myriad of refined features to the forefront. We’ve improved the Gift Certificate redemption process,...
May 30, 2023
myTurn CEO Gene Homicki Featured on the Circular Economy Podcast
May 30, 2023We are thrilled to share that our CEO, Gene Homicki, was recently featured on the Circular Economy Podcast hosted...
April 30, 2023
myTurn Updates for April 2023
April 30, 2023Out latest enhancements focus on implementing under-the-hood improvements to streamline reservations and several other features and to rectify outstanding...
March 23, 2023
Embedded site improvements and reducing duplicate reservations – March 2023 myTurn Updates
March 23, 2023Our new release includes some sought after improvements including one to reduce multiple resrvations for the same person starting...
February 17, 2023
Sort Categories and only require a card on file for some membership types – February 2023 myTurn updates
February 17, 2023myTurn’s latest update introduces the ability to sort and delete Categories, as well as the option to require a...
January 20, 2023
Performance updates, report improvements, and user interface refinements – January 2023 myTurn updates
January 20, 2023Our team has been hard at work improving the platform. Highlights of our latest update include: Reservation Performance: Does...
December 29, 2022
New membership reports allow you to watch your membership grow! December 2022 myTurn updates
December 29, 2022This month’s updates are all about members and memberships. Improvements include our new membership reports that show new, expired,...
November 27, 2022
Additional fulfillment methods, excluding fulfillment methods, and other refinements – myTurn updates for November 2022
November 27, 2022You can now set up additional pickup fulfillment methods which enables you to offer things like Curbside Pickup vs...
October 24, 2022
Fall myTurn Updates include Bulk Maintenance Scheduling, Improved Reservation Filters, and More
October 24, 2022Our latest release includes many platform refinements, improvements in existing Some of our other big updates are around our...