myTurn Updates for April 2023

Under-the-hood improvements to streamline reservations & more

Out latest enhancements focus on implementing under-the-hood improvements to streamline reservations and several other features and to rectify outstanding issues.

Key updates include:

  1. We sped up the ad-hoc check out pricess by preventing the loading of all users while navigating to the admin Cart.
  2. Our user registration API for App integration is now in early beta
  3. To avoid mishaps, we now always verify an item’s status upon self-renewal, ensuring its availability for circulation.
  4. Added a new Maintenance Mode feature to better manage system updates
  5. We’ve introduced beta improvements for to optimize items on reservations to ensure you can maximize item utilization.
  6. To prevent confusion, we’ve ensured post-project/loan survey questions only appear on the survey itself.
  7. To improve visibility, we’ve relocated the credit message on membership purchase.
  8. A fix was implemented to ensure the renewal window is set correctly for new membership types, and existing ones were tweaked.

Additionally, we have resolved a variety of bugs and errors including issues with self-renewing loans, viewing users on certain organizations, image and text editing in Agreements, issues with the three dots menu on maintenance items, and more.

Our aim is to constantly improve your myTurn experience and we hope these updates enhance your interactions with our platform. As always, we appreciate your feedback and look forward to supporting your journey towards optimizing resource utilization and embracing sustainable practices

Fuller list of updates:

  • LEND-8209 Don’t load all users enroute to Admin Cart
  • LEND-8141 Check the item’s status on self-renew and make sure it is still allowed to go out
  • LEND-8144 Registration API – endpoint to validate multiple fields at once
  • LEND-8156 Add a new Maintenance Mode feature
  • LEND-8157 BETA Implement “optimization” of reservations
  • LEND-8164 BETA Show item availability on inventory/show consolidated view on Closed Days
  • LEND-8194 Only display post project survey questions on the survey
  • LEND-8202 Move credit message on membership purchase cards
  • LEND-8176 Renewal window is not set on new membership types
  • LEND-8189 Remove references to com.spiders.glend.rpc.MoneyTransactionCommand#onAccountService
  • LEND-8190 Error self-renewing loans, message says 1£ !- 1£
  • LEND-8201 Reservation optimization improvements and fixes
  • LEND-8129 Error when trying to view users on orgs with some custom fields
  • LEND-8171 Allow images to be dragged and dropped and allow text alignment in Agreements
  • LEND-8172 Can’t use three dots menu on maintenance items due to table changes
  • LEND-8177 Do not show membership based loan discount options on Payment Method dropdowns
  • LEND-8185 Error popup on create user in Firefox
  • LEND-8195 Items sometimes not being reindexed on Check In due to error
  • LEND-8200 Can’t renew a flexible membership for $0 due to “no payment method” error
  • LEND-8204 Error on automatic renewal and elsewhere
  • LEND-8205 List reservations is using the Now Buffer instead of Between Buffer for availability warnings
  • LEND-8211 Per day fees not being caclulated corrected on renewal with some options
  • LEND-8226 Javascript issue for previous balance for CHF currency > 1000