Our May updates include a number of refinements and new features for reservations, additions to our Self Service Kiosk Mode APIs for working with Locations.
There are also some new Membership Type options for reservations, including:
- You can limit the number of active upcoming reservations users can have
- You can also now limit the maximum reservation length and default loan length for all loans/reseravtions based on Membership Type. To do this, continue reading:
Make sure the Loan Length is set properly on all your membership types (or unset to use the Item / Item Type default), then enable:
Settings > Loans & Reseravtions > Reservations > Use membership type default loan length as maximum reservation length
We have also refined the reservation process for additional use-cases:
- If you only allow users to have one item checked out, there will not be an “add items” option
- When an admin starts a reservation on behalf of a user, they will not have the option to go straight to the “cart” (since there will be no items in the reservation yet).
- When a user starts a reservation for a pickup-only, they were previously checnaged to browse “All Locations” and now they will stay browsing the location they were viewing when they started the reservation.
Other updates and changes are listed below:
- LEND-7600 New Membership option to set the maximum number of upcoming, unfilfilled, reseravtions
- LEND-7642 If a pickup location is hidden from browsing inventory, do not change browse to “All Locations” after starting a reservation (e.g. for pickup only locations)
- LEND-7601 When starting a reservation for another user without an item, do not ask admins for a Fulfillment Method when there is only one FM
- LEND-7578 Use default loan length for the User’s Membership also as the maximum reservation length for items using a default by membership type
- LEND-7618 Send and allowing filtering by Home and Current Location data, and increase max items to 100 with item Self Checkout API calls
- LEND-7632 No items displayed in orgInventory/list List Inventory when Welsh language selected again
- LEND-7614 Self renewal of loans only looking at Pickup Fulfillment Method hours even when pickup is not enabled
- LEND-7611 Do not allow multiple memberships with the same exact name
- LEND-7608 Dashboard reservation stats (count upcoming/pending) should use the fulfilling transaction
- LEND-7607 Incorrect i18n for some new project code
- LEND-7603 Still some issues with dates not truly being selected when trying to change on a RR
- LEND-7602 Address is saved when there is only 1, even if it’s not shipping/delivery
- LEND-7580 Never charge live stripe accounts in test environment
- LEND-7570 Can’t edit Authentication options (e.g. OAuth Options) for new orgs easily since no Org Auth Options exists and it is not created.
- LEND-7377 Project validation in reservation cart is requiring fields for admin users
- LEND-7635 Add a link/button to take the user to their upcoming reservations if they try to start more than they are allowed
- LEND-7599 If a membership type can only check out one item at a time, do not offer “more items” when starting a reservation from an item
- LEND-7598 Do not allow deleting a branch (making a location branch-less) if there are reservations attached to the branch
- LEND-7597 Hide optional message popup after sending tx email
- LEND-7595 Add option to show the member ID on the tx receipts
- LEND-7585 Add “do not email” button to project list