Our latest release is a vast improvement on our maintenance tracking system, and there are a few smaller, but important updates including:
- Use any status to disable/delete items
- There is now an option to completely hide items from all users, inclduing admins, for any status. For example, you can now set a “Recycled” status that also completely hides (closest thing we support to delete) an item.
- Linked to items based on Item ID
- This is especially useful for adding QR codes to items or generating unique pages via iframes
The Maintenance updates include the ability to:
- Easily Report Issue when items are found to be broken or needing maintence when they are checked in, found during Physical Inventory checks, or any time.
- In the future, regular users will be able to report issues with items while they have them checked out as well.
- Email a weekly maintenance report showing all maintenance due and reported issues
- Email when the maintenance stage changes (e.g. when an issue is reported, maintenance is due on an item, and/or maintenance is completed)
- Ability to add and remove maintenance statuses based on maintenance stage
- This allows you to control if an item can be seen be checked out, or reserved when maintenance is needed or when it is started.
- Update maintenance tickets
- Previously you could only schedule, start, and complete maintenance.
- Record costs and time time for each maintenance update
- Show a total of all time taken, and total costs
- Advanced: linked maintenance plans
- You can now create linked maintenance plans
- Start maintenance every time it is checked in (e.g. items that need cleaning or calibration every time they are checked in
You can keep things simple and have one or two maintenance plans, or have multiple, even based on type of item:
There are now many more (optional) configuration settings to help you track maintenance based on each plan:
Keep up to date on when maintenance is due, both online, and with an automated weekly email:
And much more! Documentation is being updated and expanded in the Maintenance & Repair section of our support site.
A fuller list of updates in this release include:
- LEND-7778 Allow viewing inventory/show pages by org’s Item ID
- LEND-7718 Also rename tables and columns to match new names
- LEND-7717 Email Maintenance due report weekly
- LEND-7716 Quartz job to update (transition) maintenance actions that were scheduled and are now due to REQUIRED.
- LEND-7652 Update Maintenance Export to match new functionality
- LEND-7343 Export the maintenance plan data with the item when exporting inventory
- LEND-7342 When an item is checked in, and the item has a “at checkin” maintenance plan, put item in Maintenance Required
- LEND-7341 ItemAttribute (+ type, +ui) for “maintenance plan to run at check in”
- LEND-7340 Change MaintenancePlan to support “next plan”
- LEND-7339 Define various scheduling options
- LEND-7338 Decouple the scheduling from the maintenance plan
- LEND-7337 Send maintenance reports weekly
- LEND-7336 Maintenance reports
- LEND-7335 Actually email on CompletionStatusTransition
- LEND-7334 Changes to MaintenancePlan to support CompletionStatusTransitionConfiguration
- LEND-7333 Implementation of CompletionStatusTransition: log notes and status changes along with new completion status
- LEND-7780 Transition of SCHEDULED to REQUIRE may not create a maintenance_update row – verify and fix
- LEND-7777 NPE when recording maintenance IN_PROGRESS and setting a status
- LEND-7776 Display issue on membership type button
- LEND-7775 JS error with filling in provider details on selecting a plan
- LEND-7774 JS issue on inventory/show in war version of app
- LEND-7773 When starting or updating maintenacne… do not warn about the MaintenaceAction that the user is working on.
- LEND-7771 Users can under some circumstances purchase memberships that are not available for self-purchase
- LEND-7768 Error when creating a scheduled plan with “none” as the next plan
- LEND-7767 Some issues with the next maintenance plan
- LEND-7766 NPE on scheduled linked plans
- LEND-7765 Stage Status change information lost when there is a server-side error saving a maintenance plan
- LEND-7764 Can’t create a maintenance plan with the same name as one that was deleted
- LEND-7762 Tab headers on mobile do not work properly on maintenance stage editing
- LEND-7761 Maintenance:Allow Loans admins to Report Issues
- LEND-7759 Warning the admin when an item is checked in and Scheduled maintence is Due
- LEND-7751 Plan details sometimes showing blank popup
- LEND-7734 Consolidate view counts buffers from loans and buffers from reservations for the same item at the same date, when we only need to count the buffer once
- LEND-7728 Recording maintenance does not save the time the maintenance was performed leading to the order being wrong for multiple transitions on the same day
- LEND-7725 When an item is checked in that has an “at check in” maintenance plan applied, provide a message to the admin on the Tx receipt
- LEND-7724 Only allow one-time maintenance plans to be selected for After Check In
- LEND-7702 Error creating Maintenance Plans when “May Be Scheduled” is not selected, Stages field data lost on error
- LEND-7646 Check out comments not copied to renewals so they are not seen on eventual check in
- LEND-7620 Rename CompletionStatus to MaitenanceStage
- LEND-7616 Removing a status from statuses to add when entering maintenance stage doesnt work
- Improvement
- LEND-7763 Review and update maintenance wording, help, and messages
- LEND-7755 Simplify Adding and Editing Maintenance Plans
- LEND-7753 Get rid of some columns on maintenance item history and replace with history column
- LEND-7752 Organization that allows reservation on the day an item is due back cannot edit a reservation if it starts on the day the item is due back
- LEND-7749 Add Maintenance Plan duration to informatioon pop for Scheduled maintenance plans
- LEND-7746 Maintenance history pop-up imrpovements
- LEND-7745 Display any current active Maintenance Plans on the Item Page and Maintenance “Record” page to help prevent double-reporting issues
- LEND-7742 Display a simplified Maintenance record page for “Needs Maintenance”
- LEND-7741 More Maintenance Report Improvements
- LEND-7740 Change the name of default disabled status created when an organization is created to “Deleted”
- LEND-7739 Cannot start maintenance branch on test because of migrations
- LEND-7737 Add current location, home location, serial and location code. Rename “message” to “notes”
- LEND-7736 After submitting Needs Maintenance / Report Issue, stay on same page or go back to it
- LEND-7733 Make sure to encode/unencode translations for MyTurnTranslation javascript
- LEND-7723 Rremove LEND-7722 from chagelog.xml
- LEND-7722 MaintenanceUpdateReminder still uses the wrong column name
- LEND-7719 Remove LEND-7718.xml from changelog.xml
- LEND-7715 Also rename MSTransitionConfiguration
- LEND-7714 Migrations don’t work: Column ‘recorded_by_id’ cannot be null
- LEND-7713 When starting the next plan on an item, we must also have an update (transition) into SCHEDULED or REQUIRED.
- LEND-7711 Record that maintenance action that was started because a previous step/plan finished was started because of that plan
- LEND-7709 Organization creation fails with error Field ‘disabled’ doesn’t have a default value
- LEND-7707 Take user back to page they came from after Reporting Issue
- LEND-7705 Validate email on maintenance plan form
- LEND-7704 More UI niceties for maintenance action page
- LEND-7703 UI on maintenance “show” pages (plan and action)
- LEND-7692 List of page-lengths on datatable on /library/orgInventory/reservationReport includes toooooobig a number
- LEND-7691 exportReservationReport is super slow
- LEND-7688 On create/edit plan page, next plan needs to update with may be scheduled ones for the stage
- LEND-7680 Make “today” the due date when flagging an item as requiring maintenance
- LEND-7679 Add mayBeScheduled to the Maintenance plan.
- LEND-7678 When self-renewing an item, and the amount owed is 0 (ex: everything being accrued) user is still asked for CC info
- LEND-7677 Change loan details “renew button” to use the item’s current location
- LEND-7676 Add “report issue” buttons in important locations
- LEND-7675 Handle deleting a plan that was used for “on checkin” maintenance
- LEND-7631 Item maintenance history/maintenance due report: remove Edit button. Keep Delete button
- LEND-7630 Improve UI on Item maintenance history page and maitenance due pages
- LEND-7629 Add button to item details page to identify that an item needs maintenance
- LEND-7627 Do something with the MaintenanceAction page (ex https://demo.test.myturn.com/library/orgMaintenance/record/48?nextStatus=IN_PROGRESS)
- LEND-7625 Improve layout on plan configuration page (/library/orgMaintenance/edit/5 for example)
- LEND-7624 Add time taken, provider, and cost to Stage Transitions
- LEND-7623 Implement automated process to transition from “Scheduled” to “Due”
- LEND-7622 Add a maintenance stage called “Due” that means an item that was scheduled for maintenance, and that date for the maintenance has come due.
- LEND-7621 Change “Flag required” to “Needs Maintenance”
- LEND-7619 Make disabled a property of Status rather than it’s own status and migration existing Disabled Statuses
- LEND-7544 Maintenance when scheduling, we do not have the plan, so the status checkboxes aren’t set to add/remove the right statuses
- LEND-7374 Migration to back fill maintenance steps where possible
- LEND-7348 Make sure we use “Ticket” instead of “maintenance” in interface
- LEND-7347 Move CompletionStatus to top level enum
- LEND-7332 Migration of current completion statuses to new statuses
- LEND-7331 Maintenance: Implement new completion statuses (see Lucid chart state diagram)