Changes to payments and ability to accrue unpaid fees coming soon!

Our next release release (scheduled for October 24th) includes a number of significant changes to payments are recorded and processed on myTurn. These changes are being made to provide more flexibility and reduce errors when recording fees. If you do not do track money or fees with myTurn, this update will not impact your usage. For everyone else, please continue reading!

The most important items are that your myTurn site will be able to:

  • Accrue unpaid fees on a user’s account so they can pay them in the future
  • Leave an overpayment or credit on the users account
  • Handle split payments, or multiple payments methods for the same transaction (e.g. cash and credit card)
  • Record a note when discounting or forgiving fees
  • Any time a payment is made, that payment must be entered/confirmed
    • You can no longer just accept the default amount due and save the transaction to reduce errors when recording fees

Important: you will no longer be able to apply discounts to line items, only to the whole transaction / check out.


Payment due on a transaction: the process to record and process payments when checking will change. Rather than just recording the transaction you will need to specify how the payment is being made. For example, if $15 is due, then you will need to:

  1. [Optional] Select the payment method (if the default is not correct)
  2. [Optional] Either enter the amount paid via the payment method, or leave the default
  3. Click the “Enter” to record the payment
    • You can also just click Enter right away if the user is paying the exact amount in full
  4. When all payments (or discount/accruing on account) is complete, you can click “Record Transaction” at the bottom

For example:


Alternatively, if you will be accruing the full fee on account – or discounting/forgiving it – you can also just click “Record Transaction” and you will see a pop-up that lets you:

  1. Accrue the fee on the users account to be paid in the future
  2. Discount the fee (forgive it)
  3. Cancel and return to the cart



Multiple Payment Methods: And an example of a split payment with multiple payment methods, a discount, and accruing some of the fee on the users account:


There is a lot going on here:

  • $5.00 for a payment via Stripe
  • $3.00 for a cash payment
  • $4.00 will be accrued on the users account to be paid next time
  • $3.00 discount applied to the transaction (due to a piece to an item being missing)

Paying Previously Unpaid Fees

When the user comes back in to either rent more items, or even just pay their outstanding fees, you will get a warning at the top of the cart (and on their user details page) that they have an outstanding balance due:


And the summary will show their Previous Balance in addition to any new fees due:



No fees due

Finally, if there are no fees due, then the payments section doesn’t appear, though the summary with the number of items being checked in/out/etc. still does show up:


Coming soon: For our customers who do not track costs (rental fees, late fees, or cross-department billing) we’ll have an option to completely remove all fee related fields soon.


Finally, we also have a quick video (first of many to come) showing how to Accrue Unpaid Fees using myTurn:

You can try these changes out for yourself. For example, if your myTurn site is:

we have setup a snapshot of your site in our new test environment at:

A few notes on the test site:

  • All email is disabled on the test site (including password reset, etc.)
  • Item images may be broken (or may break)

Neither of these issues will happen on the production / live sites/

If you have any questions or comments after trying it out, please contact us or submit a ticket via our support site.

The myTurn Team