More reservation improvements and other enhancements – October 2024 Updates

More reservation improvements and other enhancements

This release brings additional improvements reservation workflows and other admin fucntionality including:

  • Reservations:
    • Export reservations and the items on each reservation: This can be done from the Reservation report or List Reservations
    • Link from a reservation to the transaction that fulflled that reservation and vice versa
    • Allow a short comma separated list of multiple email addresses on the reservation email fields. We still recommend using an alias or distribution group that can be changed in one place by your IT team.
    • More improvements to the messages why an item can’t be reserved on the inventory pages
  • Maintenance report updates: Added filters and checked-in/out status to the Maintenance Due report for better management.

A fuller list of updates includes:

  • LEND-8794 Add export option to List Reservations incuding with ability to export items
  • LEND-8829 Add links between reservations and transactions to see which transaction fulfilled a reseravtion and vice versa
  • LEND-8816 Allow comma separated list of email addresses for Reservation emails and Cc on email templates
  • LEND-8818 Improve reserve button messages when items can not be reserved
  • LEND-8810 Added filter and checked in or out status to maintenance due report
  • LEND-8747 Fix an issue where items could not be self renewed when there is an upcoming reservation within the default loan length
  • LEND-8780 Prevent location admins from setting the home location of an item to one they don’t have inventory access.
  • LEND-8447 Improvements to item import
  • LEND-8796 Now buffer checks for reservation requests should use the pickup branch
  • LEND-8814 Set the checkout location for loans to use the cart location
  • LEND-8821 Prevent double clicking submit when self creating a new account
  • LEND-8831 Do not allow a blank Self Regisration Identifier request memebrship name
  • LEND-8834 When scheduling a reminder job fails log which job failed in the error
  • LEND-8749 More clean up the SIP connection interface page

