The latest release of myTurn brings an array of updates designed to enhance user experience, streamline administrative processes, and modernize the platform’s technical infrastructure. Notable features include the abilty to check out an reservation from the pop-up in the admin cart, a refined reservation report, and options for more comprehensive reservation and project data exports.
Updates also include major frontend library upgrades and improved support for merging users [beta] with maintenance histories. Additionally, several fixes address compatibility and error handling, ensuring smoother interactions across the platform.
If a user has one or more upcoming reservations, ad you start a cart for them, you will be wanred about the upcoming reservation. If any are “Ready for Fulfillment” you will be able to check that reservation out right from the pop-up:
Updates include:
- LEND-8771 Add action buttons on admin cart reservation popup
- LEND-8735 Clean up and modernize the reservation report
- LEND-8754 Add option to export reservations with items
- LEND-6134 Update all front end libraries to latest versions
- LEND-8782 Do not allow hiding all top level item types
- LEND-8733 Stripe metadata update errors if membership has [ and ] in the name
- LEND-8757 Export username and ID with project data
- END-8745 Add validation to the Embedded Host Domain to only allow hostnames
- LEND-8765 Update and clean up javascript libraries
- LEND-8621 [beta] Allow merging users who have recorded maintenance on items
- LEND-8783 JS missing on account create page
- LEND-8772 Improve cart images with new lightbox library
- LEND-8773 Add postal code to Prospective Members report
- LEND-8784 Send user to login page when they are logged out and trying to load a location that can’t be viewed when logged out
- LEND-6653 Upgrade Bootbox to latest version
- LEND-8744 Get rid of javascript that is for IE9
- LEND-8746 Remove more unnecessary ie8 and ie9 things
- LEND-8770 Add item ID to maintenance emails
- LEND-8758 Allow translation of To Order and other phrases on Build Order page
- LEND-8775 Error with membership self-renewal
- LEND-8711 Improve new account email