Unlock Value for Good™
myTurn Blog & News
Late Spring 2021 myTurn Updates
Our latest release includes additional securty hardening, including more protection against CSRF attacks, the ability to set the order memberships/subscriptions will show up when users purchase them, an option to show the “Location Code” to non-admin users that are logged in, support for currencies, dates, the ability to localize the platforms in dozens of additional countries, and improvements to single
March 2021 myTurn Updates: Grab bag of improvements
Highlights in this release include warning admins when checking items out to users that have items reserved up through the end of a reservation, requiring a state/province/locality in more countries when the address is required, the ability to export additional reports, adding the ability to not send membership automatic renewal reminders (set them to 0 days), and a number of
February 2021: Social Sharing Improvements, List Items Export, and more
We’ve made things prettier when you share your items via social media like Twitter, Facebook, etc. and have more improvements in the works. Don’t want to lose as miuch money on per-transaction fees? Set a minimum amount that will be charged via our online payments system. You can also now export the “List Items” report and there are many other
January 2021: Refinements and improvements for Gift Certificates & more
This release brings improvements to our Gift Certificate support–including the ability for an admin to redeem a Gift Certificate, allows configuration of how far in advance to notify users their memberships are automatically renewing, and many other refinements around payments and other myTurn functionality. A full list of updates follows: LEND-6975 Allow configuration of membership automatic renewal notifications LEND-6954 Allow
December 2020: Gift Certificates!
We’re excited to announce that the ability to sell Gift Certificates via myTurn is live. If you want to jump right in, you can visit our support site to learn how to configure, purchase, and redeem gift certificates. You can now: 1. Configure one or multiple Gift Certificates (Settings > Financial > Gift Certificates) with different values or the ability to
November 2020: Reservation, Inventory, & Mobile Improvements
Reservation Improvements: The releases this month bring user experience improvements to viewing inventory and making reservations. When starting a reservation you can now go striaght to the cart (giving borrowers a hint they need to go to the cart to submit their reservation) and a new “Add Items” button that closes the pop-up so they know they can add new
Fall 2020 Cleanup & Pickup-Only Locations
Our releases in September and October focused on improving usability, performance, and security of the platform–as well as bug fixes. The one new feature added is that for customers using our Multiple Location support, you can now set location as “pickup only” meaning the will not show in the dropdown on your inventory list, but can be selected as a
August 2020 Updates: Paid Self Renew of Items, Improved Embed Code, Item Type Hiding
Our latest release brings the ability for customers to self-renew/extend loans that have a per day cost, improved myTurn embed code with better browser compatibility, the ability to hide top level Item Types from administrative users, tweaks to the reservation list so that users with reservations on the same day will be listed together, and many other fixes and improvements.
Reservation, Workflow, Embedded Site Updates, and more!
While this release follows the final release of reservation pick up time slots and appointments, it packs a number of workflow improvements including: Option to automatically select the reservation to/end date based on the start date + default loan length Note that this will only work when the start date + default loan length lands on a day your organization
Reservation Pickup Time Slots & Appointment Limits Fully Live
We are very happy to announce that our new reservation pick up time slot and appointment functionality is now ready for general use. Thank you to all the customers that worked with the early releases and reported bugs, especially SHARE Frome, The Tool Library (Stirling), and many others. In addition Other updates in this rease include: Improvements to the membership