June 2018 Release

This release featured a ton of bug fixes and improvements to help the platform accessibility (ensure people with disabilities can view and interact with your myTurn site). We’re aiming for WCAG2.0 AA and soon WCAG2.1.


Read on to learn more!

  • [LEND-4718] – Improve color contrast – aiming for WCAG 2.0 AA (of course 2.1 is coming out soon)
  • [LEND-4835] – Reserve items no longer show as “In Stock Now” when browsing
  • [LEND-4836] – When changing user on a reservation the project list does not update (on the reservation) – it does now
  • [LEND-4840] – After Custom Loan Report validation error (must < 1 year), Projects not selectable – fixed!
  • [LEND-4868] – Kiosk: When items are adding/removed from check-out list they are placed in random order – pile-o-items now sorted!
  • [LEND-4919] – Deal with Byte-Order-Markers in csv imported files – to make importing CSVs even easier
  • [LEND-4923] – Changing a site URL does not reindex the inventory – it sure does now!
  • [LEND-4930] – Production: Additional / custom field data can not be added or edited by Loans / Location admin -whoops, the invisible is now visible
  • [LEND-4935] – Membership Type List does not show latest version of modified agreements
  • [LEND-4941] – Improve formatting for myTurn Privacy and Terms checkbox – because we value your privacy and don’t want the designers out there to twitch when they see layouts
  • [LEND-4943] – Reservations cannot be made for items that are due today – when some orgs DO want that
  • [LEND-4954] – AttributeUtil.cleanHtml() is stripping relative links – meaning you can now have relative links in items and home page HTML, please rejoice
  • [LEND-4955] – View HTML button in org editing doesn’t actually render the HTML in the popup window anymore – it does now
  • [LEND-4958] – User transaction list layout issue – fixed
  • [LEND-4854] – Request organization name (in addition to myTurn site name) on myTurn sign up page – tanks for filling that out so we know who you are!
  • [LEND-4882] – Log each time a user logs in (and if they have admin access) to allow reporting in the future – big brother/sister is watching, and you as an admin are them, thank you GDPR
  • [LEND-4916] – User Last Loan report – when did everyone last borrow an item? Inquiring minds wanted to know – and now you do.
  • [LEND-4921] – Log (in DB) “User X has logged into organization Y at timestamp” when a user logs in – deja vu
  • [LEND-4924] – Cannot delete a deactivated user – whoops, now you can wipe them
  • [LEND-4925] – If a user search finds no matching (not-deactivated) user, and it’s a single-keyword search, see if it’s the username of a deactivated user and return that –we’ll help you find you users even if you hid them
  • [LEND-4927] – Don’t allow updating of buffer values when importing–when your org doesn’t have that feature… oops.
  • [LEND-4934] – Can’t load page to edit a membership type if it has an agreement associated with it – fixed!
  • [LEND-4948] – Tool to bulk re-id items – alpha testing, but we can do this for you
  • [LEND-4949] – Tool to bulk re-id users (membershipId) – also alpha testing, inquire if needed
  • [LEND-4951] – Add support for putting “other required fields” onto the user self-registration page – need to make this so YOU can do it but the foundation is there
  • [LEND-4861] – Add option to show Item ID on inventory pages to non-admins–you asked, we answered
  • [LEND-4864] – Do not rebuild inventory for all orgs with no parameters given–why rebuild when there are no changes?
  • [LEND-4914] – Provide way to get back to site from login page–we don’t like dead ends
  • [LEND-4947] – Darken the link color – more accessibility changes
  • [LEND-4957] – Add Item ID to loans in admin Tx report and to other user reports based on OrganizationOptions.showInternalId setting